Monday, December 11, 2006

My Project (this is a true story)

Today my car project was do. so on saturday i started to work on it. my grandma and grandpa and aunt came over to help me with it. it went fine. yesterday i hung out with a friend instead of finishing my project. when i got home i painted it. when i finished i got in trouble because my parents didnt know that i had to write an essay about how i did the project. and i told them about it three weeks ago when it was assigned to my class and they said that my grandma was the first one to hear about it when they were the first who heard about. so now i'm grounded with no tv and i just bought a movie! and i had just finished watching it yesterday too for the first time since i had seen it in the theaters. so that means that only 2 times have i seen this movie. and its my most favorite movie of all time. Pirates of the Caribbean 2. i got so sad but then i realized that my punishment is only for a week because for the next three weeks there is no school and i wont be with my parents!!!! i was soooo happy when i realized that.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Hi people who are reading my blog. Since you don't know me i will tell you a little bit of my self. My name is Frankie and i am 13 years old (on November 18.) i am in 8th grade and i don't really have anything else to write about me because i am not very exciting but the stories i write are magnificent and they make you want to read on. i will write one of those magnificent stories here on my blog very soon. maybe next week if i get the chance to.